Safety Notice

Wallet security:

In Web3 where scams abound, Be cautious, don't let your guard down. Your wallet's secrets, keep them close, Securely hidden, like a precious rose. To strangers, don't unveil your code, Protect your funds, in safety's abode. In this digital age, it's wise to be, Mindful of your wallet's secrecy.


In the digital world, where dangers may creep, We safeguard our community as we sleep. Only use Zikantis links, our trust we keep, No room for suspicion, in our digital leap. With caution, we surf through the web's vast sea, Zikantis guides us, ensuring safety. Together united, in this cyber race, We thrive with trust, in this virtual space.

The Team:

In the realm of safety, we take a stand, A promise to protect, hand in hand. We, the team, declare with pride, "We'll never DM you," we won't hide. Your security, our utmost care, No unsolicited messages, we swear. In the world of trust, we'll stay true, "Safety first," our motto, through and through.
